Thursday, April 15, 2010

It's official! :)

This morning Lisa and I jogged up Mt. rubidoux at 530am and arrived at the top 15 minutes before the sunrise! There we had a little 'FHE' lesson on Christlike qualities you should see in a spouse. After, i suprised her by finding something in her water bottle! At first, to her it was just a piece of plastic that had gotten in the water bottle on accident, but after i handed it to her she finally recognized what was under all the plastic and tape! HER RING!!! I then opened the plastic and asked her to be my Eternal Companion! .... she said YES!!! :)

The happy engaged couple! :)

Together as the sun rises! :)
Me as the sun rises! Lisa as the sun rises!
Muah! After the proposal...
More muah!
Lisa waiting for the sun to rise! :)
The Sunrise! :)


The Christensens said...

Yipee!!! Congratulations.......being married is so awesome. It does take work but the happiness that comes cannot be compared. Is there a date yet or a month at least?

Andrew and Trena said...

HOLLA! I am so excited for you guys! Lisa is going to fit right in with our family. When is the date?

Paul said...

Congrats, Mike. Good Luck, Lisa.

Andrew and Trena said...

holla! congrats mike! I am really excited for you and Lisa. Hope it is a short engagement! hehe

klm said...