Monday, December 8, 2008

Dinner w the Missionaries

We have some really good missionaries in our ward and its been fun to have them over for dinner. Not until this last month did the dinner calendar to feed them make it to elders quorum so its been fun to have them over twice in the last month. One, Elder Brady is from Pleasant Grove so i call him "PG!", haha. Elder Brown is from Texas and Elder Funaki came this time and he is from Tonga. Its just a blessing to have them over and to have that missionary spirit. Turns out that i know a girl from when i was living at Jill and Ron's that Elder Brady used to like. So imm gonna try and hook him up! haha But i hope that we are all extending our homes and food out to those who are serving the Lord full time! It will bless your lives and rejuvenate your missionary spirit! :)


Jill said...

Tell PG I said 'Hi'...and who is this girl?!!!

Mike Nelson said...

Jalynn Thorton... i don't remember where i met her but shes from PG.